Rev. Adrian McLean was appointed Interim Minister of the Church of the
Open Door, United Church of Christ in January 2018. He and his wife, Dr
Jacqueline McLean (,a Clinical Pharmacist) came to Miami in December 2016
from St Louis, Missouri where Rev Adrian served the St Martin United
Church of Christ for ‘sixteen years and Dr Jackie worked at St Louis
Children’s’ Hospital and Express Script. They are the proud parents of
Andre (graduate of Lincoln University, Jefferson City), Alecia (graduate
of University of Missouri, in Columbia) and Ashleigh(soon to graduate from
St East Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau.

Rev Adrian is a thirty- three year veteran on the ministry of Word and
Sacrament who was ordained by the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman
Islands in July 1987 and was blessed to serve three congregations before
accepting his newest position at the Church of the Open Door.. He has also
served as a pre-college teacher of the Humanities, a Potential Officer in
the Jamaica Defense Force Coast Guard Reserves and as a Witness Protection
Special Agent in the Ministry of National Security in Kingston, Jamaica.

Rev Adrian obtained degrees and diplomas trom Mico University College,
United Theological College of the West Indies, University of the West
Indies, Columbia Theological Seminary(post-graduate) and Metropolitan
Police Force of London
(Scotland Yard). : 

Rev Adrian is one of thirteen children (ten boys and three girls) born to
his parents, Eunice and Altamont McLean, both deceased and he believe that
coming from a large Christian family provided the ideal foundation and
formation for full- time ministry.

Pastor Adrian’s biblical mantra is found in Corinthians 15; 53 “therefore
my beloved children, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work
of the Lord. For as much as you know that your labor in Christ is not in